The tools to shift the perspective to change the feelings and emotions that arise before and after any performance.
Understanding and using our breath to uncover the hidden depths that are affecting us. Take advantage of the present moment so the past doesn't affect you anymore. Honour and embrace your journey in the here and now with the easy and affective power of breathing.
Does your mind spin in an endless cycle of doubt and feeling lack in any way before you’re going to perform? Follow a visualization and manifestation hack to have a performance you know is possible for you. With this approach, you will never “fail”.
I am a first generation competitor. I went through the trenches of trial and error to become a better rider and competitor. But I realized there was more than just saddle time involved to be the rider I envisioned myself to be.
My desire to grow took me from my home town in Canada to 4 USA states where I worked beside top futurity trainers. I wanted to learn what makes the best barrel horses. I came home with invaluable knowledge and life lessons.
I thought I held all the answers to my success and happiness but I realized trying to mimic these people would never bring me to the winner circle I so desperately wanted.
I had high hopes after that trip, but it brought me to total failure. In life, those moments also have the BIGGEST lessons ago be learnt.
I was forced to look deep within myself. I started asking; What was I doing that was holding myself back? How was I showing up every day to become a better rider and human? How was I growing? What was I doing to become that person I felt I could become? And, the final question; why was I so unhappy in this process?
My inner work has been the biggest transformation in my happiness, and enjoyment in this journey. I am here to share all I have learnt and the lessons you can apply in your own lives as well.
As somebody who has always struggled to get motivated, joining the We Can Hustle community was the best decision I’ve made all year.
I’ve never felt better physically or mentally. The confidence that I’ve built over the last few months makes me feel like a rockstar!
The main focus was on me as a rider, and optimizing myself to help my horse perform at its best, which is so valuable on every horse I swing a leg over.